Sound Insulation

Tiles Geo


Last Updated: 09.11.2024

Product Code: 000
Category: Sound Insulation

Material Properties

Used Material:
No Information

Product Attribute Symbols

Length (cm) (cm): 1,2
Width (cm) (cm): 60
Height (cm) (cm): 240
Volume (cm³) (cm³): No Information

Assembly and Installation Instructions

Assembly: Please review the assembly instructions document.
Assembly Tools: Adhesive, magnet
Assembly Instructions: Please review the assembly instructions document.
Professional Help: Please contact Feltouch help desk.

Care and Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning Instructions: Stubborn stains; - Pick up the stain with a dry cloth as soon as possible to prevent the stain from being absorbed. - To remove stains, first apply plenty of water to the surface with a cloth, but do not rub. - If the stain cannot be removed with water, a mild detergent should be used. Avoid harsh detergents. - If the product is portable and small enough, it is best to use the services of a professional dry cleaning company after initial treatment. - Finally, dry it with a dry towel while it is still wet. - Avoid excessive rubbing and scrubbing during the cleaning process, as this can change the appearance of the felt surface. It is recommended to test the cleaning method in an inconspicuous area.
Care Instructions: Wipe clean with a damp cloth. Vacuum regularly.
Recommended Cleaning Materials: Damp cloth

Safety and Quality Documents
  • Feltouch Abrasion Test
  • Feltouch VOC Test
  • Feltouch CE Label
  • Feltouch Aydınlatma CE Sertifikası
  • Feltouch ISO 9001 & 14001
  • Feltouch Moisture Resistance
  • Feltouch Lighting CE Certificate
  • Feltouch UV Exposure
  • Fishbone Acoustic Test
  • Feltouch Declare
  • Feltouch Acoustic Tests
  • Feltouch Textile Tests
  • Feltouch Environmental ISO 14025-2010
  • Feltouch LEED Certificate
  • Feltouch Bleach Cleanable
  • Feltouch Thermal Tests
  • Feltouch MSDS
  • Feltouch Fire Tests
Pricing and Payment Conditions

Pricing Policy: Please contact Feltouch help desk.
Payment Options: Please contact Feltouch help desk.
Delivery Period: Please contact Feltouch help desk.
Minimum Order Quantity: Please contact Feltouch help desk.

Warranty and Servicing Information

Warranty Period: 2 years
Warranty Coverage: Please review the warranty document.
Service Contact : Please contact Feltouch help desk.


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Feltouch is a manufacturing and product development company specializing in PET felt with advanced fibre & non-woven textile technology. Our main target is to supply a diverse range of consumer, commercial and innovative industrial felt products to markets all over the world.We design high performance acoustic absorbers using unique & smart designs for all interior spaces to improve speech intelligibility, well being, concentration and performance. Feltouch offer various kind of solutions through range of standard or customizable products tailored to projects. We have a limitless will to work alongside architects, interior designers and facility managers to offer the best possible acoustic, acoustic lighting and decorative outcome for interiors.