Window and Balcony Systems, Window Systems

Smart Dual Wing Window


Last Updated: 10.04.2024

Product Code: 000
Category: Window and Balcony Systems, Window Systems

Material Properties

Used Material:
Please review product data sheet.
Please review product data sheet.

Product Attribute Symbols

Length (cm) (cm): Please review product data sheet.
Width (cm) (cm): Please review product data sheet.
Height (cm) (cm): Please review product data sheet.
Volume (cm³) (cm³): Please review product data sheet.

Assembly and Installation Instructions

Assembly: Please review assembly instructions.
Assembly Tools: Please review assembly instructions.
Assembly Instructions: Please review assembly instructions.
Professional Help: Please review assembly instructions.

Care and Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning Instructions: Please review user manual.
Care Instructions: Please review user manual.
Recommended Cleaning Materials: Please review user manual.

Safety and Quality Documents

No File

Pricing and Payment Conditions

Pricing Policy: Please contact sales team.
Payment Options: Please contact sales team.
Delivery Period: Please contact sales team.
Minimum Order Quantity: Please contact sales team.

Warranty and Servicing Information

Warranty Period: 2 years
Warranty Coverage: Please review warranty certificate.
Service Contact : Please review warranty certificate.


The Smart Window consists of a Domal aluminum window frame (Top TB75) which integrates an innovative polymer plate with Eni Ray Plus technology into the double-glazing of the transom, or into a fixed facade element, the result of Eni's research on luminescent solar concentrators ( LSC). The Smart Window is a multifunctional window that can therefore be applied in particular in commercial buildings, where the consumption for artificial lighting is generally high and glare and summer overheating occur. The energy produced by this system makes it possible to power both the motorized blinds and the management electronics on the basis of the incident solar radiation, detected by the special light intensity sensor, positioned on the outside of the window frame.