


Rotund offers Class-A acoustic performance for superior noise reduction. These versatile "clouds" are ideal for both ceiling and wall applications, enhancing sound quality while adding modern aesthetic appeal, and are perfect for creating focal points, adding visual interest, and providing targeted acoustic treatment.


Product Code: 000
Category: Felt

Material Properties

Used Material:
It is resistant to impacts and scratches.

Product Attribute Symbols

Length (cm) (cm): No Information
Width (cm) (cm): No Information
Height (cm) (cm): No Information
Volume (cm³) (cm³): No Information

Assembly and Installation Instructions

Assembly: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Assembly Tools: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Assembly Instructions: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Professional Help: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.

Care and Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning Instructions: Avoid using abrasive materials or chemical cleaning products when cleaning the panels.
Care Instructions: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Recommended Cleaning Materials: Damph Cloth.

Safety and Quality Documents
  • rotund-large-specification
  • rotund-small-acoustic-test-report
  • Care-maintenance
  • rotund-medium-specification
Pricing and Payment Conditions

Pricing Policy: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Payment Options: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Delivery Period: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Minimum Order Quantity: Please contact the Acoust-It support team

Warranty and Servicing Information

Warranty Period: 2 Years.
Warranty Coverage: Please contact the Acoust-It support team.
Service Contact : Please contact the Acoust-It support team.


Rotund acoustic panels deliver the highest performance in their class, achieving excellent results in sound insulation and noise reduction. The Class-A acoustic performance improves sound quality and minimizes noise levels, providing a quieter and more comfortable environment.