Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, Heat Pumps

Q-TEC Geothermal Heat Pump

Bard Manufacturing

Last Updated: 10.04.2024

Product Code: 000
Category: Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, Heat Pumps

Material Properties

Used Material:
Please review product data sheet.
Please review product data sheet.

Product Attribute Symbols

Length (cm) (cm): Please review product data sheet.
Width (cm) (cm): Please review product data sheet.
Height (cm) (cm): Please review product data sheet.
Volume (cm³) (cm³): Please review product data sheet.

Assembly and Installation Instructions

Assembly: Please review assembly instructions.
Assembly Tools: Please review assembly instructions.
Assembly Instructions: Please review assembly instructions.
Professional Help: Please review assembly instructions.

Care and Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning Instructions: Please review user manual.
Care Instructions: Please review user manual.
Recommended Cleaning Materials: Please review user manual.

Safety and Quality Documents

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Pricing and Payment Conditions

Pricing Policy: Please contact sales team.
Payment Options: Please contact sales team.
Delivery Period: Please contact sales team.
Minimum Order Quantity: Please contact sales team.

Warranty and Servicing Information

Warranty Period: 2 years
Warranty Coverage: Please review warranty certificate.
Service Contact : Please review warranty certificate.


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Dehumidification: Q-TEC’s “quiet technology” provides extremely low sound levels (both indoor and outdoor) by using special components and materials in the construction of the unit. By using special motors, sound insulation and other sound absorbing construction, we have built an air conditioning system that is significantly quieter than typical product available today.  

This unit provides a unique dehumidification circuit for periods of high indoor humidity conditions. An “energy recovery ventilator” option can provide outside ventilation air requirements by eliminating excessive sensible and latent loads as a result of the increased ventilation requirement.