Garden Furniture

Grid Flower bed

Ersa Mobilya


Product Code: 000
Category: Garden Furniture

Material Properties

Used Material:
Please review product data sheet.
Please review product data sheet.

Product Attribute Symbols

Length (cm) (cm): 350 - 700
Width (cm) (cm): 350
Height (cm) (cm): 450 - 900
Volume (cm³) (cm³): Please review product data sheet.

Assembly and Installation Instructions

Assembly: Please review product data sheet.
Assembly Tools: Please review product data sheet.
Assembly Instructions: Please review product data sheet.
Professional Help: Please review product data sheet.

Care and Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning Instructions: Please review user manual.
Care Instructions: Please review user manual.
Recommended Cleaning Materials: Please review user manual.

Safety and Quality Documents

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Pricing and Payment Conditions

Pricing Policy: Please contact sales team.
Payment Options: Please contact sales team.
Delivery Period: Please contact sales team.
Minimum Order Quantity: Please contact sales team.

Warranty and Servicing Information

Warranty Period: 2 years
Warranty Coverage: Please review warranty certificate.
Service Contact : Please review warranty certificate.


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Offering a multifunctional use behind its simple design and minimal material usage, Grid offers a stylish use as a plant unit, while at the same time it can be used as a divider in the interior. Grid can consist of a single unit, or multiple units combined side by side or on top of each other at the same time. Having a solid structure despite its light weight appereance, Grid aims to offer its users maximum efficiency, flexibility and functionality with minimum material use.