Desk Chairs

Elegance Manager Chair

Rapido Furniture


Product Code: 000
Category: Desk Chairs

Material Properties

Used Material:
Please review product catalog.
Please review product catalog.

Product Attribute Symbols

    No Information


Length (cm) (cm): 76
Width (cm) (cm): 76
Height (cm) (cm): 116
Volume (cm³) (cm³): No Information

Assembly and Installation Instructions

Assembly: Please contact technical team.
Assembly Tools: Please contact technical team.
Assembly Instructions: Please contact technical team.
Professional Help: Please contact technical team.

Care and Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning Instructions: Please review user manual.
Care Instructions: Please review user manual.
Recommended Cleaning Materials: Please review user manual.

Safety and Quality Documents

No File

Pricing and Payment Conditions

Pricing Policy: Please contact sales team.
Payment Options: Please contact sales team.
Delivery Period: Please contact sales team.
Minimum Order Quantity: Please contact sales team.

Warranty and Servicing Information

Warranty Period: Please contact technical team.
Warranty Coverage: Please contact technical team.
Service Contact : Please contact technical team.


One of the products featuring comfortable armrests, Elegance also provides optimal support for your back and waist. Elegance offers options for executive, task, and guest chairs, ensuring complete comfort for your office.