Sound Insulation

DecoSound Frequency



Product Code: 000
Category: Sound Insulation

Material Properties

Used Material:
No Information
No Information

Product Attribute Symbols

    No Information


Length (cm) (cm): No Information
Width (cm) (cm): No Information
Height (cm) (cm): No Information
Volume (cm³) (cm³): No Information

Assembly and Installation Instructions

Assembly: Please see product sheet.
Assembly Tools: Please see product sheet.
Assembly Instructions: Please see product sheet.
Professional Help: Please contact Feltouch help desk.

Care and Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning Instructions: Stubborn stains; - Collect the stain with a dry cloth as soon as possible to prevent absorption. - To remove stains, firstly apply copious amounts of water to the surface with a cloth without rubbing. - If the stain does not come off with water, a mild detergent should be used. Avoid from the hard detergents. - If the product is portable and small enough, it is best to take the services of a professional dry cleaning company after the first intervention - Lastly, dry it with a dry towel while still wet. During cleaning process, avoid excessive friction and rubbing as it can continue the felting process and change the appearance of the felt surface. It is recommended that the cleaning method be tested in an inconspicuous area.
Care Instructions: Wipe clean with damp cloth. Vacuum regularly. Bleach cleanable (only natural colors)
Recommended Cleaning Materials: Damp cloth

Safety and Quality Documents

No File

Pricing and Payment Conditions

Pricing Policy: Please contact Feltouch sales.
Payment Options: Please contact Feltouch sales
Delivery Period: Please contact Feltouch sales.
Minimum Order Quantity: Please contact Feltouch sales.

Warranty and Servicing Information

Warranty Period: 2 years
Warranty Coverage: Please see product sheet.
Service Contact : Please contact Feltouch help desk.


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DecoSound Akustik Panel Koleksiyonu, 8 model ve benzersiz 3D tasarımlarıyla iç mekanlarınıza A sınıfı yüksek akustik performansa kadar dekoratif premium akustik çözümler sunar. Akıllı kurulum seçenekleriyle montajı kolay, hafif, yarı sert, pin alıcı akustik panellerdir. Kadife vertiface kaplama, üst düzey lüks bir görünüm ve his yaratır. Akıllı kurulumu kullanarak renk kombinasyonlarını kolayca değiştirebilir veya tasarımı periyodik olarak değiştirebilirsiniz. Olası kullanım şekli Tavan paneli ve Duvar panelidir.